Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Interior Design - Architectural Drafting

Interior Design: Architectural Drafting

Project: Furnishings Floor Plan

Concept: Upon completion of drafting dimensioned version of the draft, I incorporated floors, furniture and placement of furnishings into the space.

Grade: A

Interior Design - Architectural Drafting

Interior Design: Architectural Drafting

Project: Isometric, Elevation & Furnishings Schedule

Concept: Upon completion of drafting dimensioned version of the draft, I incorporated floors, furniture and placement of furnishings into the space.

Grade: A

Interior Design - Architectural Drafting

Interior Design: Architectural Drafting

Project: Furnishing Plan

Concept: Upon completion of drafting dimensioned version of the draft, I incorporated floors, furniture and placement of furnishings into the space.

Grade: A

Interior Design - Architectural Drafting

Interior Design: Architectural Drafting

Project: Lighting Floor Plan

Concept: Upon completion of drafting dimensioned version of the draft, I incorporated floors, furniture and placement of furnishings into the space.

Grade: A

Interior Design - Architectural Drafting

Interior Design: Architectural Drafting

Project: Dimensioned Floor Plan

Concept: Upon completion of drafting dimensioned version of the draft, I incorporated floors, furniture and placement of furnishings into the space.

Grade: A

Interior Design - Architectural Drafting

Interior Design: Architectural Drafting

Project: As Built Floor Plan

Concept: Upon completion of drafting dimensioned version of the draft, I incorporated floors, furniture and placement of furnishings into the space.

Grade: A

Interior Design - Architectural Drafting

Interior Design: Architectural Drafting

Project: Furnishings Floor Plan

Concept: Upon completion of drafting dimensioned version of the draft, I incorporated floors, furniture and placement of furnishings into the space.

Rendered Furnishings Floor Plan

Grade: A

Art 3 Dimensional Design

Art 3D: 3 Dimensional Design

Project: 3 Dimensional Design - Model Home

Concept: Identify a one story model home to replicate in 3 D format. I selected a contemporary 1750 sq. feet home that had 3 different roof lines.

Rear view

Grade: A

Art 3 Dimensional Design

Art 3D: 3 Dimensional Design

Project: 3 Dimensional Design - Model Home

Concept: Identify a one story model home to replicate in 3 D format. I selected a contemporary 1750 sq. feet home that had 3 different roof lines.

Side view

Grade: A

Art 3 Dimensional Design

Art 3D: 3 Dimensional Design

Project: 3 Dimensional Design - Model Home

Concept: Identify a one story model home to replicate in 3 D format. I selected a contemporary 1750 sq. feet home that had 3 different roof lines.

Front view

Grade: A

Art 3 Dimensional Design

Art 3D: 3 Dimensional Design

Project: 3 Dimensional Design - Wire Body Part

Shoe Sculpture

Grade: A

Art 3 Dimensional Design

Art 3D: 3 Dimensional Design

Project: 3 Dimensional Design - Wire Body Part

Grade: A

Art 3 Dimensional Design

Art 3D: 3 Dimensional Design

Project: 3 Dimensional Design - Wire Body Part

Concept: Design a body part utilizing wire gauge - I selected a shoe that would fit my foot. Wire was wound tightly and created a heel element.

Grade: A

Art 3 Dimensional Design

Art 3D: 3 Dimensional Design

Project: 3 Dimensional Design - Clock

Concept: Design a functional clock utilizing items from home - repurpose items. I took a place mat and wrapped a wood board inserting the clock pieces. Lastly, added a glass jewel element for the numeric areas.

Grade: B

Art 3 Dimensional Design

Art 3D: 3 Dimensional Design

Project: 3 Dimensional Design

Concept: Alexander Calder inspiration. Wrote Calder research paper and created a 3 Dimensional design concept of an inspirational piece "The Web."

Grade: A

Interior Design 275 Introduction

Interior Design: Introduction to ID

Project: Introduction to architectural drafting

Concept: Studied and understand design concepts from universal design, commercial, residential and industrial. Measured classrooms and merged space to create both residential and commercial space including furnishings. Law office + Residence.

Grade: A

Interior Design 275 Introduction

Interior Design: Introduction to ID

Project: Introduction to architectural drafting

Concept: Studied and understand design concepts from universal design, commercial, residential and industrial. Measured classrooms and merged space to create both residential and commercial space including furnishings. Law office + Residence.

Grade: A

Interior Design 275 Introduction

Interior Design: Introduction to ID

Project: Introduction to architectural drafting

Concept: Studied and understand design concepts from universal design, commercial, residential and industrial. Measured classrooms and merged space to create both residential and commercial space including furnishings. Law office + Residence.


Grade: A

Interior Design 275 Introduction

Interior Design: Introduction to ID

Project: Introduction to architectural drafting

Concept: Studied and understand design concepts from universal design, commercial, residential and industrial. Measured classrooms and merged space to create both residential and commercial space including furnishings. Law office + Residence.

Elevation Drawing of one wall

Grade: A

Interior Design 275 Introduction

Interior Design: Introduction to ID

Project: Introduction to architectural drafting

Concept: Studied and understand design concepts from universal design, commercial, residential and industrial. Measured classrooms and merged space to create both residential and commercial space including furnishings. Law office + Residence.

Grade: A

Interior Design 275 Introduction

Interior Design: Introduction to ID

Project: Introduction to architectural drafting

Concept: Studied and understand design concepts from universal design, commercial, residential and industrial. Measured classrooms and merged space to create both residential and commercial space including furnishings. Law office + Residence.

Grade: A

Art 2 Dimensional Design

Art 109: 2-Dimensional Design

Project: Group project ABC Storybook

Concept: Work with team on coming up with a word that was 4 letters and drawing pictures that represent the word. Word selected was PREP. P - Polo, R - Rugby, E - Equestrian, P - Princeton. Book contained a title page, table of contents, leather shoe strings to assemble along with bibliography.

Grade: A

Art 2 Dimensional Design

Art 109: 2-Dimensional Design

Project: Shades of Red

Concept: Select Contemporary Artis artwork and select a color where white and black are added to alter the color of red. 10 shades of red were injected into the art.

Georgia O'Keefe piece

Grade: A

Monday, August 2, 2010

Art 2 Dimensional Design

Art 109: 2-Dimensional Design

Project: Black/White Canvas of Contemporary Art

Concept: Select a contemporary piece of art where shades of white and black were mixed creating 10 colors that would be used on the canvas. Replica of Picasso "Guernica."

Grade: A

Art 2 Dimensional Design

Art 109: 2-Dimensional Design

Project: Art Positive & Negative Image

Concept: Create a Positive/Negative Image where 5 drawings were overlapped and repeated throughout the work.

Grade: A

Art 2 Dimensional Design

Art 109: 2-Dimensional Design

Project: Color Wheel (12 Colors)

Concept: Create a Color Wheel creating the 12 colors that make up the color wheel. Primary colors (red, yellow and blue.) Secondary colors (orange, green and violet.) Tertiary colors (red orange, orange yellow, green yellow blue green, blue purple, red purple.)

Grade: A

Art 2 Dimensional Design

Art 109: 2-Dimensional Design

Project: Art piece incorporating 5 different textural elements.

Concept: Blank white canvas covered with ivory white ultra suede (1). Red Nail Polish (2), Magazine Paper (3), Red Wool (4), Black Patent (5), Water Bottle Plastic Bottom (6), Bead (7), ROHE in aluminum (8).

Grade: A

Art 2 Dimensional Design

Art 109: 2-Dimensional Design

Project: Art piece incorporating 5 different textural elements.

Concept: Blank white canvas covered with ivory white ultra suede, red nail polish thrown to create another textural element. This is the beginning of the canvas.

Grade: A

Art 2 Dimensional Design

Art 109: 2-Dimensional Design

Project: Musical Inspiration

Concept: Concept was to find a piece of music that inspired the artwork. My piece was based on "Moments in Silence." Large Stones in Grey represent softer, deeper tones, which move into an "airy" softer tone which then moved into a higher note - symbolic of red and sultry sounds. There was a repeat, hence the reversal in tones bringing balance

Grade: A


Art 2 Dimensional Design

Art 109: 2-Dimensional Design

Project: Abstracting the Square

Concept: 8x8 square was cut into multiple design pieces which reversed while staying within the initial parameters set from the square.

Grade: A